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Check availability 

Reach out to us and check if your date is available. Summer Weekends do book up faster. I engorge everyone to check availability as soon as you have chosen your date. 

Lets Meet

Its a great idea to meet your photographer to get to know each other, A photographer is your right hand man during a wedding, Most likely spending the most time with you during your wedding day. its important  your personalty's mess well 

Booking Your day

We use a great online partner that creates a portal for each bide and has all their photography details for the big day, It allows for easy access to payments, contracts, galleys

We meet up for dinner and chat about the wedding and talk details and time lines. I have found this is a very important part to building a relationship and really finding out who you are.


Wedding day

Relax and have one of the best days of your live!

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